Lesson 7: ㅅ (Siot)

 Hey everyone !

Welcome back to Neat Korean 😁

Today, We will be going through our seventh consonant ㅅ (Siot)

Let's try to pronounce it ! As you have probably noticed by now, Si will be pronounced like See

So was it close to how you pronounced it? 

How do we pronounce ㅅ (Siot)? 

If you remember from our previous lesson 6: ㅂ (bieup), the "i" is pronounced with "ee." so "si" is pronounced like "see"

"ot," you can think of the word "other"


How does ㅅ sound in Korean words? ㅅ has "S" sound. Think of the word 'snake." That S sound is what you want !

Let's try with the activity

ㅅ activity (New page will open)

How was this lesson? Was it better than the previous one? Let me know :)

Good work today as well and I will see you on our next lesson 8:ㅇ (Ieung) 


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