Lesson 6: ㅂ (Bieup)
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Welcome back to Neat Korean !
Let's start with our sixth consonant ㅂ (Bieup)
As always, let's try to pronounce ㅂ (Bieup). Hint: "Bi" will be pronounced as "bee"
Did you pronounce it correctly?
How do we pronounce Bieup? We will separate this word into two syllables Bi-eup.
"Bi" is pronounced similar to "Bee."
"Eup" can be slightly confusing. This is not pronounced with the "U" sound. Think of how you would pronounce the "ip" from the word" lip." You will notice how your lips closes to make that "ip" sound. With this in mind, "eup" is pronounced more like "eip" as you can hear it from the audio clip above.
So Bieup is pronounced more like Bee-Eip. Are you able to pronounce Bieup? Let me know in the comments.
How does ㅂ sound in Korean words? well it is "B" sound. Think of the word "Brother." Before you pronounce the "rother" part, you will notice your lips closes and pushes out the air to make that "B" sound. This is exactly what you want. Not too difficult right?
Lets try with the activity ! With this activity, you can practice ㅂ(Bieup) and the "B" sound.
ㅂ activity (New page will open)
Great work !! How was the lesson today? Was it easy or difficult?
On our next lesson, we will be learning our seventh consonant ㅅ (Siot).
Have a wonderful day and I will see you on the next lesson💪
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